Structure and distinctive
You can meet this mushroom in any forest zone on the territory of Russia and in general in that part of the Northern Hemisphere where the temperate climate reigns. He willingly enters into symbiosis with both deciduous and coniferous plants. The fly agaric growing season starts in June and lasts until October. Not only in Slavic languages - in many European languages ​​it also got its name due to the fact that it was actively used in the fight against flies. In addition, here and there this mushroom has become an integral attribute of religious and other rituals.

Structure and distinctive features

A fly agaric's trademark is its hat, 8–20 cm in diameter. Initially resembling a hemisphere, it becomes flat and even concave as it grows. The color varies from bright red to almost yellow. The cap usually brightens with age. “Decorate” her white or pale yellow warts of a rounded shape. Old mushrooms sometimes lose these marks due to rain. But along the edges of the cap they often have a pronounced striping. In young fly agarics, the plates are white, in mature ones they are slightly yellowed. They tend to be thick, flared at the front, and have a jagged edge, and are quite often spaced. The white flesh near the skin of the cap t
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The leg, in turn, reaches 10–20 cm in length and 2–3.5 cm in thickness. It can be either white or yellowish. Its upper part is slightly striated, and at the base the leg is dense and tuberous-swollen. On this tuberous thickening in a circle are several rows of warts, shaped like flakes. The ring is very soft, and therefore sags over time. It is completely white, except for the yellowish edge.


The red fly agaric grows on all continents except Antarctica. Studies at the molecular level give modern scientists the opportunity to fairly confidently assume that Siberia, in the Bering Sea region, became the cradle of this mushroom species. And they inhabit our planet since the Cenozoic era, that is, from 20 to 30 million years.

If we talk about less specific versions, then the forests of the Northern Hemisphere are considered the birthplace of the red fly agaric. First of all, in the boreal and temperate zones. And also - relatively warm regions of mountain belts located in Central Asia and America, as well as in the Mediterranean. Then the fungus expanded its possessions to most European, Asian and North American countries. And already in the 20th century, together with coniferous seedlings, he "colonized" the Southern Hemisphere: African, Australian, New Zealand and South American territories.
Modern scientists have found that the fly agaric does not quite deserve its name. After all, it has no insecticidal properties attributed to it for centuries, in the traditional sense. Numerous experiments have confirmed that the substances contained in this fungus kill flies, but not directly, but indirectly.

The point is this. As we remember, in a mature mushroom, the cap takes on a concave shape, and rainwater accumulates in it, which becomes an ideal medium for the active dissolution of alkaloids. Such a "tincture" in a matter of minutes intoxicates flies who decide to quench their thirst. Falling asleep, they drown and die. The same effect can be achieved if you finely chop the fly agaric into a container and pour water or milk into it. If you timely remove the disabled insect from the liquid and leave it "on land", after 10-12 hours it will wake up and return to its usual way of life.

People face similar problems. It can be both small children left unattended and having tried a bright beautiful mushroom, as well as adults who irresponsibly approached the acquisition of a hallucinogenic experience. It also happens that inexperienced mushroom pickers confuse them with representatives of other species. For example, very young specimens, due to their light colors, resemble raincoats, and old ones, in which the flakes have already washed off, resemble an edible Caesar mushroom.
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Fly agaric bears its name not
quite deservedly


The concentration of active substances depends on a number of factors
The key active ingredients of fly agaric are the duet of ibotenic acid and muscimol. In order for an adult to show the first signs of a psychotonic syndrome (it is also called mycoatropine), as a rule, one hat is enough. It is better that it is large and fresh. We are talking about 30–60 mg and 6 mg of ibotenic acid and muscimol, respectively.

However, these are averaged data that can be operated by professionals who know what kind of material they are working with. The concentration of active substances depends on a number of factors. Thus, fly agarics growing in Siberia contain significantly more alkaloids than their other relatives. Moreover, in spring and summer, the concentration of muscimol and ibotenic acid is an order of magnitude higher than in autumn.

As for deaths, the only documented episode occurred in the nineteenth century in the United States. But in the last century, representatives of the North American Mycological Association (NAMA) have not recorded a single reliable death due to the use of red fly agaric. The lethal dose in this case is a very conditional concept. This is considered to be 20 fresh fruiting bodies of fly agaric. You can use this amount only with intent. In addition, modern medicine makes it easy to prevent the negative consequences of an overdose of fly agaric.
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In many sources, this mushroom is still called deadly by inertia, but in reality, adherents of such formulations tend to exaggerate too much. The active ingredients of fly agaric dissolve easily in water, especially during boiling. Therefore, for a more or less experienced specialist, it will not be difficult to turn a fly agaric into a completely edible mushroom. The most common recipe includes 3 key ingredients. First, boil two or three times and remove the decoction. Secondly, long drying. Thirdly, soaking and boiling. Although many are generally limited to several boilings with the removal of the broth.

One of the distinguishing features of this fungus is the unpredictability of the consequences. The result is influenced by the region where the fly agaric grows, and the dose taken, and the physical condition of the person, and even the morale. Sensations can be very diverse: visual and auditory distortions, mood swings up to euphoria, relaxation, drowsiness, trembling, low blood pressure and loss of balance.

An impressive overdose on the verge of poisoning is fraught with delirium, confusion, irritability and, of course, hallucinations. In particularly difficult cases, convulsions annoy. Even coma is possible. It usually takes 30-90 minutes from the time of use to the onset of symptoms. The peak of sensations occurs 3 hours after the start. A full return to normal occurs within 12-24 hours. However, the residual effects sometimes last for several days.

Due to the aforementioned unpredictability of the consequences, the red fly agaric remained in the shadow of psilocybin mushrooms for a very long time. They were much more popular due to their predictability. And this is the key to mass recreational use. The range of potential effects is very wide: from sedation and even sleep to excitement, hallucinations, accelerated living of many different lives, as well as micro- and macropsia, when a person perceives himself to be significantly reduced or increased.

The situation changed markedly when the persecution of psilocybin-containing mushrooms began. After legislative prohibitions, their use in many countries has become problematic. Then adherents of microdosing began to pay more and more attention to fly agarics. There are plenty of good examples all over the world. So, in some regions of Lithuania, the ritual use of these mushrooms, infused with vodka, is increasingly practiced during wedding feasts. And in general, more and more local holidays are not complete without their use. In addition, the Lithuanians also prepare dried fly agaric, and then deliver them to the Saami - the inhabitants of the Far North, who use them in shamanic rituals.

The traditions of the use of fly agaric by the peoples who have been living in Siberia from time immemorial are being actively revived. We are talking about representatives of the Uralic language family living in Western Siberia, and about the Paleo-Asiatic peoples living in the Russian part of the Far East. But the Tungus and Turkic ethnic groups on the territory of Central Siberia practically do not use the entheogenic properties of this fungus, although occasionally there are single evidence of such ceremonies.

In the western part of Siberia, the traditions of using the red fly agaric have always been strong. But its use remained within the competence of shamans for a long time. For them, it was a convenient way to achieve trance. Otherwise, they had to achieve this state by ritual dances for several hours. That is, in the west of Siberia, the fly agaric was primarily a ceremonial instrument.

But in the east of the region, these mushrooms were not the prerogative of shamans. Yes, they actively used them to conduct mystical rituals, but ordinary members of the tribe also used fly agaric, so to speak, for recreational purposes. It was in Eastern Siberia that they invented a simple but effective way to filter the components contained in these mushrooms. To avoid a number of side effects, the local tribes came up with the idea of drinking the urine of people who had eaten fly agaric. Despite this filtering, psychoactive elements in this case have an even stronger effect.

To the discovery that the human body is an excellent filter, people did not come of their own free will. The classic example is the Koryaks. For this ethnic group, the independent collection of fly agarics was strictly prohibited, and not everyone had the financial opportunity to purchase them from a shaman. Only rich Koryaks could afford such luxury. And the poor - yes, that's right - were content with drinking their urine. Over time, they noticed that in this way they get not only the worst, but even the best effect.

Fly agaric traditions vary greatly from tribe to tribe. Modern researchers have about 15 ways to use them. They are eaten raw and dried, baked and fried. Decoctions and extracts are prepared from them. And the most exotic method is to eat deer meat, previously fed with fly agaric.

Of course, the goal pursued by the person has always played an important role in the ceremonies. For example, shamans primarily used old fruiting bodies for their rituals. And the hunters and young men who underwent the rite of initiation used young, unopened hats peeled from the skin, because they contain the highest concentration of active substances.

Fly agaric was an integral component of the concoctions used by the Scandinavian and ancient German berserkers and Ulfhednar to achieve a frenzied state on the eve of battle. According to some hypotheses, red fly agaric, along with ephedra and harmala, was part of soma, a ritual drink of the Vedic and ancient Persian cultures.
There is a use of this mushroom and the reverse side of the coin. Many people, on the contrary, tried to get rid of the psychoactive elements and turn it into an ordinary edible mushroom. Since its toxins are distinguished by excellent water solubility, a fly agaric cut into small pieces and boiled several times is no different from, say, a white mushroom.

A detailed instruction for the detoxification of fly agaric back in 1823 was compiled by the naturalist and doctor of medicine Georg Heinrich von Langsdorf. And already at the end of the century, his colleague Felix Archimedes Pouchet actively promoted the idea of eating fly agaric. One of his arguments was a comparison with cassava, a tuberous tropical plant that was an important source of food for the tribes of South America, but required mandatory detoxification before eating.

North America did not lag behind in this regard. The local residents also actively ate fly agaric for the most prosaic purposes. For example, the famous botanist Frederick W. Coville, in his writings of the late 19th century, mentioned a black seller in Washington who sold these mushrooms prepared according to his special recipe. He steamed and soaked them in grape vinegar. The result of thes
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Without psychoactive substances, the fly agaric looks like a porcini mushroom
They like to eat fly agarics in some regions of Japan. Local residents also see them primarily as edible mushrooms, and not as a component of mystical rituals. In particular, in the city of Nagano and the prefecture of the same name, they are most often pickled and salted.

In the current conditions of globalization, such traditions are becoming known far beyond their own regions. Therefore, the red fly agaric began to be looked at from a different angle around the world. Vivid evidence of this is the publications of mycologist David Arora on the traditions of eating these mushrooms and methods of detoxifying them.

In his works, the author insists that the fly agaric in the specialized literature should be described primarily as an edible mushroom. Of course, adding instructions for neutralizing its toxins. Today, says Arora, the fly agaric is the victim of many prejudices. And that's the only reason why many would rather die of hunger than try the "poisonous" mushroom.

But let's get back to the ritual use of fly agarics.


There are 3 main stages of the fly
agaric trip
Researchers distinguish 3 main stages of the fly agaric trip. In some cases, they come in sequence. And some show effects that are characteristic of only one of them. They are as follows:

1. A person feels causeless fun and excitement. He feels stronger and more agile. This stage is usually characteristic of young people.

2. Hallucinogenic effects make themselves felt. A person is still aware of himself, his actions, and can even carry on a dialogue, but as if he finds himself in a different dimension. Therefore, he can hear and see previously inaccessible, and therefore experience an incredible experience.

3. The stage of altered consciousness begins. A person loses touch with the real world, completely immersed in the illusory one. However, for quite a long time he retains motor activity and the ability to speak, and only then finally falls into a deep narcotic sleep.
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Even the great Paracelsus almost 5 centuries ago suggested using the red fly agaric for the prevention of tuberculosis and the treatment of diabetes. And traditional healers adopted it even earlier, and the range of application was extremely wide. Tinctures and other preparations based on fly agaric helped heal wounds and bruises, as well as treat diseases of the stomach, nervous system, glands and joints.

Biochemists have carefully studied the active substances contained in the fly agaric. First of all, they drew attention to the antibiotic pigment of fiery orange color. Among other things, it can significantly slow down the development of tumors. This pigment is found in the skin of the cap. But the pulp is also rich in various healing elements.

Therefore, today not only traditional healers, but also huge pharmaceutical companies use the properties of the red fly agaric to combat a wide range of ailments: from tonsillitis and tuberculosis to epilepsy, sclerosis and even cancer. However, the toxicity of raw materials is still a problem even in the eyes of the scientific community. Therefore, in many countries preparations based on fly agaric are not used. But there are enough of those where prejudice did not prevail. These are, among others, the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Russia, Norway, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark, Finland and New Zealand. Also fly agaric is one of the important figures in homeopathy. Preparations based on it are recommended to combat most of the diseases known to modern medicine.
You will receive all the healing power of the red fly agaric. It has not only psychotherapeutic, but also a general beneficial physiological effect.


It can significantly slow down the
development of tumors
But let's go back to the past. How did people who initially saw an insecticidal agent in fly agaric discover its healing properties? Most likely, they were prompted by observation of animals for such reflections. Cows, deer, moose, squirrels, bears, and even some birds have been seen eating fly agaric. It must be assumed that it was livestock, which, after eating mushrooms, did not get worse, but on the contrary, only got better, and turned out to be a weighty argument.

By the way, the Slavic tribes became the pioneers in the use of fly agaric for treatment. Moreover, the peoples of Siberia, where this mushroom has become an essential attribute of shamanic rituals, adopted healing knowledge from settlers from the Slavic lands. The Slavic trace in the popularization of the fly agaric is also indicated by its most active use in our time in Eastern Europe.

A long time ago, Slavic healers empirically came to use fresh only the lower part of the legs of young mushrooms. Everything else was sent to dry, and then ground into powder. Today's fly agaric connoisseurs, thanks to scientific research, practice a more subtle separation, but in general this trend was correct.

Means for external use of fly agaric are ointments and tinctures. They are effective in treating wounds, burns, frostbite, boils, ulcers, and some skin conditions. Indeed, even fresh fly agaric caps applied to the wound actively contribute to its healing. However, this mushroom is able to take care of not only the skin. Fly agaric relieves pain in bones, joints and muscles, and also fights salt deposits. Itching, pain and swelling of the auricles are also within his competence. With deterioration of vision, cataracts, conjunctivitis and inflammation of the eyelids, fly agaric is also actively used.

As for internal use, alcoholic tinctures on fly agaric in folk medicine have always been considered broad-spectrum drugs. Diarrhea and constipation, pain in the heart and stomach, paralysis and sclerosis, erectile dysfunction and menstrual irregularities - all these are just some of the problems that are commonly treated with fly agaric drugs. Not to mention the fact that they strengthen the immune system and promote longevity.

The effectiveness of these drugs has been proven for centuries. That is why both homeopathy and traditional medicine subsequently came to use them.


The value of the red fly agaric is difficult to overestimate. It remains only to thank the ancestors, who, through trial and error, revealed its full potential and carried this knowledge through the centuries to give us. And thanks to the research of modern scientists, we can achieve amazing results that in the past mankind could only dream of. The potential of the fly agaric is fully revealed. It's time to reveal yours

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