The ceremony with Bufo Alvarius allows those who are highly rational to more quickly jump through the barriers of rational resistance and immerse themselves in the process of an Altered State of Consciousness. At the same time, we help (if we see that a person needs it) with bodily work, voice, sound, vibration, less often with words. This is a short (10-30 min.), but very deep process of transformation, you can call it a new birth, because DMT is the substance that is intensively secreted by the pineal gland at the moment of entry of the soul into the body, and at the moment of exit (at the moment of death).
Like Ayahuasca, Bufo Alvarius is a death training, but if in the processes with Ayahuasca it is sometimes a longer and physically difficult process, then in Bufo Alvarius it is much more transpersonal, many instantly fly out of the body in the first minutes after a puff, and there are no bodily discomfort do not experience. I repeat once again that due to the speed and depth of the process, people with a strong Ego and Mental sometimes manage to fight Ayahuasca and resist the process, in Bufo Alvarius this is almost impossible