All Aspects of the Ayahuasca
Preparatory Diet

An ayahuasca ceremony is a multi-component ritual in which success depends not only on the quality and quantity of the active substance, but on every aspect, from preliminary preparation to the environment in the retreat center. Therefore, the ceremony is preceded by mandatory cleaning. Both physical and spiritual. All aspects of the preparatory diet before ayahuasca

A complex approach

Before you allow yourself to move to a new level, you need to limit yourself in some ways. Rather, in many ways. After all, cleaning involves 5 aspects:

Food. On the eve of the ceremony, you will have to abandon excesses in the diet in favor of ascetic and light foods.
Alcoholic and narcotic. These ways to temporarily escape from reality can prevent you from seeing the most important thing.
Medical. Antidepressants, nootropics, and a number of prescription drugs are contraindicated during the cleansing period.
Sexual. This is not only about the lack of intimacy with a partner, but even about masturbation.
Behavioral. Try to lead a more measured lifestyle, avoiding conflict situations and experiences in principle.

Now we will focus on the fact that the path to knowing yourself and the world around you lies through a diet.
Take this information seriously. Following these simple restrictions will make your participation in the I Cure Death program comfortable and completely safe.
2 aspects of the diet and 3 main reasons to follow it

Limiting your diet can be considered in 2 planes: physical and spiritual. So regard the diet at the same time as:
preparation for the use of ayahuasca;
a deeper practice related directly to the instructions of shamans and teacher plants.

There is a whole list of reasons for following a diet, but first of all, it is worth highlighting 3:
prove to yourself that you are ready to seriously work on yourself;
eliminate the risk of harming your health;
get the maximum effect from the ceremony and experience a truly valuable experience.

Ideally, the preparatory cleaning period should be 2 weeks, or even a month. Alas, for various reasons, not everyone succeeds. But a strict diet for at least 3 days is required.

Physiological aspect

Each shaman has his own recipe and his own traditions, and therefore dietary requirements. But in general, there is nothing complicated. The more you cleanse, the better. That, however, is not a reason to go to extremes.

Let's see why all this is needed. Then, to avoid the so-called cheese (tyramine) syndrome, which can provoke a hypertensive crisis and, in rare cases, even death. That is why the use of products containing tyramine and its precursor tyrazine is unacceptable. We'll talk about them a little later.

Tyramine is responsible for a whole list of life processes, including regulating blood pressure. Ayahuasca also contains MAOIs - inhibitors of monoamine oxidase, which is responsible for the processing of tyramine. Accordingly, this substance during the ceremony turns out to be superfluous for the body.

Of course, tyramine-containing products do not always lead to such dangerous consequences as a hypertensive crisis. But even less critical symptoms are unlikely to contribute to a successful ceremony. After all, we are talking about high blood pressure, headaches, heart palpitations, increased sweating, nausea and vomiting.
Prohibited Products

Restrictions can be divided into 3 groups depending on the severity of the ban. Some of the products are categorically contraindicated, and some are simply undesirable.

It is forbidden to use:
alcohol and drugs;
any medications (preferably at least 2 weeks in advance);
red meat (primarily pork and beef).

Try to avoid these foods:
dairy products, especially aged cheeses;
pickles and conservation;
smoked and dried food;
salt, sugar;
flavors and other artificial additives;
fried foods, especially deep-fried;
overripe fruits and vegetables.

Foods that should be minimized include:
raw onion and garlic;
72 hours before the ceremony, it is advisable to stop eating fruits with a high concentration of digestive enzymes (pineapple, mango, papaya, lemon).

In addition, at the time of cleaning it is recommended to abandon dietary supplements and other food additives.
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Your optimal diet

The menu should be extremely simple, not burdening the digestive system and the body as a whole. Give preference to fresh produce. Or freshly cooked if they require heat treatment, such as fish and meat. Your menu may include:
organic vegetables and fruits;
rice, lentils, amaranth, quinoa and other cereals;
olive, coconut and other natural oils;
fresh herbs;
sea salt.

IMPORTANT: Once again about drugs

Take this point of preparation with all seriousness. Yes, there is a chance that everything will work out. But there is also a risk of spoiling the ceremony for yourself, as well as causing damage to your health. In the worst case, it can lead to death.

First of all, drugs that can accelerate the production of serotonin in the brain are dangerous. We are talking about antidepressants of the MAOI and SSRI groups. If you fail to maintain a proper pause between such a medicine and ayahuasca, you will receive a cocktail in your body that threatens with a deadly serotonin syndrome.

Of course, there are situations when, for objective reasons, you cannot timely take a break from taking a certain drug. In this case, you must at least notify the organizers.

Diet after the ceremony

Ayahuasca is a ritual after which mentally you will no longer return to your old life, because you will become a new person. But nothing will stop you from returning to your previous diet. True, a sharp return is unacceptable - you will have to change the menu gradually.

The fact is that the effect of ayahuasca is not limited to a few hours. The fact that it continues to work in your body is confirmed by both experienced shamans and the authors of scientific studies, who gave this phenomenon the name “after-glowing effect”. To prolong it, you need a diet.

Usually the requirements are the same as on the eve of the ceremony. However, this should be discussed with a mentor. After all, each teacher plant provides for additional restrictions. And the recipes, as you remember, each shaman has his own.

As a rule, a post-diet lasts from 2 to 4 weeks. During this time, you will be able to fully understand the experience gained during the ceremony, and even put it into practice. If you abruptly return to the previous diet, then you should not count on the maximum effectiveness of the ayahuasca ritual.

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