Millennial wisdom
of nature

The Indians of the Amazon do not and never had pharmacies. Their medicines grow in the jungle. But before discovering which of the plants heals wounds, which strengthens the immune system, and which is deadly, shamans have come a long way of trial and error.

Over the millennium, they have discovered that many plants not only have a medical effect, but also give new knowledge, help to take a different look at oneself and the world around them, promote mental liberation and energize.

Such plants are called "maestro". The most famous of them are Ojé, Uchu Sanango, Toe, Ajo Sacha and, of course, Ayahuasca. They teach at the cellular level, expanding consciousness. Illumination comes in dreams and visions.

Interacting with teacher plants is not easy. It is necessary to observe ancient rituals, a special diet and strictly follow the recommendations of an experienced shaman. Only then will the "maestro" give you access to ancient secret knowledge.
After passing the Ayahuasca ceremonies, you will be able to be initiated into real healers in the VIP training, where Viktor Alexeev, together with shamans, will conduct an ancient shamanic ritual
Interaction with teacher plants is described in detail in vegetalism, a system of ancient Amazonian beliefs. To learn from plants and heal with their help, it is enough to learn 2 main vegetalistic postulates.

First, each teacher plant has its own spirit, its own genius. Interacting with the student at the cellular, genetic and spiritual levels, he helps to get rid of ailments and endows with the wisdom of nature. Curandero (as the Amazonian Indians call the healer) can direct the spirit of the "maestro" with the help of icaro - special ritual songs.

Second, there is no healing from outside. The body is able to independently get rid of ailments and recover, but only under favorable conditions. Toxins and stress block this possibility. And that is why many teacher plants are powerful detoxifiers. Moreover, detoxification in vegetativeism is usually understood more broadly than in classical medicine.

"Maestro" cleanse not only the body, but also the soul. Shamans believe that teacher plants, if interacted with in the framework of canonical rituals, are able to erase entire levels of karma, purify and protect the body from negative energy, and even drive out evil spirits. The subtleties of the ceremonies are known only to the curandero and are passed down from generation to generation.
An Ayahuasca ceremony experience without integration makes no sense. Therefore, the integration will be carried out for you personally by the most experienced mentor - Viktor Alexeev


The key to success is physical
and mental detoxification
It is the healer, depending on your tasks (treatment or training), who decides which teacher plants are best to interact with and which diet to follow before the ceremony. Contrary to stereotypes, not only ayahuasca requires special preparation. To get knowledge and power from plants, you will have to respect the traditions of the Amazon.


Scientific research confirms the
effectiveness of teacher plants

Scientists have studied some types of "maestro" and confirmed their effectiveness, for example, in the treatment of clinical depression and drug addiction. But in general, official science prefers not to notice the practices of shamans. They are not described in scientific journals and are not certified. You interact with teacher plants at your own risk.

Also, remember that a teacher plant retreat is not a miracle pill. Maestro treatment may require long-term adherence to curandero prescriptions. They include advice on diet and herbal remedies.

Only those teacher plants with whom we were lucky enough to interact are described below. This is not a complete list of Amazonian "maestro", and we do not claim to be an exhaustive description of their properties. The photos were taken by us in the jungle, where the vegetal retreats take place.
We have collected the maximum information about "ayahuasca" so that you can fully familiarize yourself with this drink, both from the scientific and spiritual side.
Chiric Sanango
(Brunfelsia grandiflora)
This shrub, which grows up to 5 m in height and blooms almost all year round, has many names: Chiric Sanango, Manaka, Chiricaspi, Kiss-me-quick, Brunfelsia grandiflora. And even more healing properties. With its help, Quechua treat the effects of snake bites, colds, yellow fever, arthritis, rheumatism and sexually transmitted diseases (for example, syphilis).

Almost all of the above is due to the scopoletine found in Chiric Sanango. This organic compound has proven anti-inflammatory, antifungal, analgesic, antibacterial and antispasmodic properties, and also prevents cell mutations, that is, prevents the development of cancerous tumors.

But shamans appreciate Brunfelsia grandiflora also for its ability to "open the heart", get rid of oppressive emotions, diagnose diseases and point to plants that can cure them. From ancient times, Quechua drink a decoction of this plant to gain wisdom, clarity of thinking, an inexhaustible supply of energy, and also to expel evil spirits and before hunting, for good luck.

Such properties of Chiric Sanango are likely due to a complex combination of organic compounds, including ibogaine, voacangin, scopolamine, manasin, esculetin, brunfelsamidin and saponins. Some shamans add this plant to ayahuasca.
(Ficus insipida)
The fruits of this tree, reaching a height of 40 m, did not gain popularity: from Latin, the name "Ficus insipida" is translated as "tasteless fig". In the jungle, only monkeys and peccaries (boar-like animals) eat them. But the milky juice from the trunk of the "wild fig" is widely used in South American folk medicine (primarily as an anthelmintic) and in shamanic rituals.

Amate (another name for this plant) has deep symbolism. At the beginning of its life path, it is a climbing vine. It attaches itself to another tree, strangles it, and eventually kills it. Then Ficus insipida becomes a tree itself, but remains as insidious as ever. Its milky juice, despite its healing properties, is toxic. An overdose can be fatal.

The Maya used the bast (underbark) of this tree to write books, of which only 4 codes have come down to us. Today, shamans see the Ojé diet as a preparation for interacting with other teacher plants.
Uchu Sanango
(Tabernaemontana sananho)
The Sekoya people call this bonsai "baĩ su'u" and, before going hunting, smear the nose of their dogs with the juice of its fruit. According to them, Uchu Sanango - aka Lobo Sanango and Abuelo Sanango - sharpens the sense of smell. The folk medicine of the Amazon has found "Grandfather Sanango" and other uses: it is used as an antipyretic, diuretic, emetic and healing agent. But its uniqueness, of course, is not in this.

Uchu Sanango is one of the main assistants of the curandero. It cleanses and protects the body from negative energy, for example, during the ritual of expelling evil spirits. For an ordinary person, "Grandfather Sanango" relieves physical and mental ailments, gives emotional balance, increases muscle strength and improves memory. The effect persists even after the end of the diet, and is achieved through visions, dreams and insights.

Another amazing feature of this "maestro" is the healing of addictions: tobacco, alcohol and even drugs. This is possible due to deep cleansing at the cellular and mental levels.
Ajo Sacha
(Mansoa alliacea)
“Wild garlic” (that’s how Aja Sacha is translated from the Quechua language) has a pronounced garlic taste and smell, but surprisingly no family ties with the garlic we are used to (Allium Sativum). The Indians use it to combat fever, fever and headaches, as well as to strengthen the immune system and purify the blood.

But Ajo Sacha reveals its true potential only in the hands of an experienced curandero. It is believed that "wild garlic" drives out evil spirits, cleanses the body, consciousness and subconscious, and also increases determination, strengthens the will and sharpens the mind. That is why the Indians use the roots and leaves of this "maestro" before hunting.

Usually shamans use Ajo Sacha as an aid. For example, they add it to ayahuasca. But training can take place
(Calliandra angustifolia)
Healers of the Shipibo-Conibo Indian tribe use every part of this moisture-loving tree. Root - for cancer of the uterus, for blood purification and as a contraceptive. Bark - for edema (even with pulmonary edema), arthritis and rheumatism. Leaves and feather-like flowers - with the omission of internal organs (especially the pelvic organs) and as an aphrodisiac.

Shamans value Kori-Sacha (another name for this "maestro", also known as Capabo, Koprupi, Semein, Cigana, Yacu, Chipero, Quinilla Blanca and Yopoyo) for colorful dreams and visions that teach a subtle perception of nature, constancy, empathy and enhance ability to concentrate.

The spirit of this plant often appears as an old man who calms the mind and heart. Scientists explain this effect by the fact that it contains harmala alkaloids - the same as the "spirit creeper" Banisteriopsis caapi. Some shamans add it to ayahuasca or recommend using decoctions and tinctures from Bobinsana as part of the diet before the ceremony.
(Psychotria viridis и Diplopterys cabrerana)
Chacruna has more than two Latin designations. It was the Quechua Indians who gave two different plants - psychotria green and chalipong - one name. They are not related, but both contain tryptamines and above all the "spirit molecule" DMT. That is why chacruna leaves are an essential component of ayahuasca.

"Household" use of chakruna is very limited. The Indians drink its decoction before hunting to see the animals hiding in the jungle, and they believe that it cleanses the intestines and relieves migraines. Shamans, on the other hand, argue that the ritual, which is accompanied by the use of a decoction of chacruna, allows you to protect yourself from witchcraft and look into the future.

It is generally accepted that ayahuasca is a decoction of the "spirit creeper" Banisteriopsis caapi. But chakruna does not play an auxiliary role in it. A significant part of the visual effects (primarily visions) and sudden insights are precisely her merit. In Quechua, "chaqruy" means "to mix". Chakruna is rarely interacted with "alone".
(Petiveria alliacea)
This small (up to 1 m high) shrub, which is also called Anamu, Apacin and Guine, has great medicinal potential. Its roots have a proven antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect. In addition, it is a powerful antioxidant that is used to treat and prevent cancerous tumors.

Unlike many other "maestro", the action of Mucura has been studied in some detail by modern science. So, an experiment on rats showed that interaction with this plant stimulates brain activity, enhancing the ability to learn, as well as short-term and long-term memory.

Shamans are convinced that Petiveria alliacea has another important property: the spirit of this "maestro" relieves anxiety, helps overcome depression and subtly teaches self-esteem.

Like Ajo Sacha, Anamu has a strong garlicky smell due to its high sulfur content.
(Brugmansia suaveolens)
It is categorically not recommended to interact with teacher plants on your own, not under the supervision of an experienced shaman. But in Toe's case, it's also deadly. Even a slight overdose of the seeds and leaves of "angel's trumpets" (as the locals call Brugmansia suaveolens) is almost guaranteed to be fatal.

Of the more benign symptoms, it is worth noting dry mouth, tachycardia, confusion and muscle paralysis, including the ciliary muscle of the eye, which is fraught with the inability to focus. Curanderos use Toe only when all other means are powerless. For example, in the terminal stages of incurable diseases.

Due to its high content of scopalamin, hyoscyamine and atripine, Brugmansia suaveolens is a powerful hallucinogen. Interacting with this "maestro", the student loses the sense of reality. His visions are extremely realistic. There are cases when a person, being in a somnambulistic state, found his way through the jungle in complete darkness.
Uña de Gato
(Uncaria tormentoso)
This vine got its name (Uña de Gato, or Cat's Claw, translated as "cat's claw") because of the characteristic shape of the thorns. Modern medicine of the indigenous peoples of the Amazon considers it an effective immunomodulator, as well as the main cure for herpes and systemic candidiasis.

For the Incas, this plant was sacred and even more versatile. With the help of Uña de Gato, any viral infections, colds, arthritis, skin diseases and low blood pressure were treated. In addition, Uncaria tormentoso has been used to accelerate wound healing.

Shamans are convinced that interaction with this "maestro" gives the strength of the jaguar, as well as eliminates physical and mental imbalances. Modern science has not been left out of Cat's Claw either. Studies show that this plant is able to restore cells after chemotherapy and significantly slow down the development of cancerous tumors.
(Clusia rosea)
This vine is considered the main "maestro" for couples going through difficult periods in a relationship. It wraps around the tree so tightly (but, unlike Ficus insipida, does not kill it) that it becomes one with it. Therefore, botanists for many decades mistakenly considered it a tree, not a vine.

It is this all-consuming and all-forgiving unity that this "maestro" teaches. It gives harmony to relationships on three levels at once: physical, mental and spiritual. And besides, it eliminates the problems of the reproductive system, in particular, it helps to get pregnant.

The Shipibo-Conibo Indians also use Renaquilla for more mundane purposes - to treat fractures, bruises, hernias, prolapses, and as an anti-inflammatory agent.
(Banisteriopsis caapi)
This is the queen of all "maestro", also known as "liana of spirits", "liana of the dead", Yagé and Daime. It also has medicinal properties: the leaves of this plant are used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and as an anthelmintic. But Banisteriopsis caapi gained worldwide fame for a different reason. This vine is a key component of the legendary ayahuasca decoction.

Modern science confirms the effectiveness of the Ayahuasca-based drink in the treatment of treatment-resistant depression. And the Quechua Indians and thousands of people who have passed the ceremony are convinced that Banisteriopsis caapi allows you to get in touch with dead people and spirits of nature, penetrate into past lives and into other dimensions, leave your own body, acquire the wisdom of nature and heal on the physical and mental levels.

Scientists attribute mystical experiences after taking ayahuasca to the combination of DMT from chacruna and the high content of harmine, harmaline and tetrahydroharmine in Banisteriopsis caapi, which are reversible inhibitors of monoamine oxidase. But the miracle of ayahuasca cannot be explain

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