Start Your Psychedelic Discovery Through Red Amanita Microdosing
Fly agaric Red for
microdosing, 250 g
Substance form: порошок в вакуумной упаковке.
Net weight: 250 gram.
Price: $80.
Cost of delivery: $20.
You will receive all the healing power of the red fly agaric. It has not only psychotherapeutic, but also a general beneficial physiological effect.
Fly agaric Red for
microdosing, 500 g
Substance form: vacuum packed powder.
Net weight: 500 gram.
Price: $150.
Cost of delivery: $30.
You will receive all the healing power of the red fly agaric. It has not only psychotherapeutic, but also a general beneficial physiological effect.
Fly agaric Red for
microdosing, 1000 g
Substance form: vacuum packed powder.
Net weight: 1000 grams.
Price: $300.
Cost of delivery: $40.
You will receive all the healing power of the red fly agaric. It has not only psychotherapeutic, but also a general beneficial physiological effect.
Physiological indications:
- a general physiological tonic that improves the functioning of all body systems
- Removal of muscle and joint pains, including old ones
- normalization of sleep, improvement of working capacity
- removal of fatigue syndrome, adaptogenic effect
- prevention of viral and bacterial diseases
- reduction and disappearance of allergies
- effective fight against papillomas
- support during intensive training and during competitions
- normalization of the digestive tract, elimination of toxins
- increased libido in men and women

Indications for psychotherapy:
- removal of depression (especially seasonal), exit from borderline psychological states
- the disappearance of "internal dialogue"
- increased self-confidence, general positivity, ease of communication
- creativity, successful solution of difficult tasks and old problems
- nootropic action
- reducing cravings for smoking and alcohol and getting rid of these habits
- mild withdrawal of psychotropic drugs and their substitution
Amanita muscaria (Amanita muscaria) mature cap powder

For the preparation of activated (frozen and sonicated) fine powder, wild-growing fruit bodies of the red fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) collected in the forests of the Republic of Belarus were used. Fractional drying of mushrooms is carried out at a temperature of 30-35°C, which ensures the preservation of pharmacological qualities. The drug contains a full range of components: polysaccharides, glycoproteins, acaloids, ergosterol, triterpenoids, organic acids, vitamins, microelements and other bioactive substances that provide a general physiological, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and psychotherapeutic effect of microdosing.
The monthly course of fly agaric microdosing includes taking 0.35 g of powder twice a day (0.35 g in the morning, 0.35 g in the evening, 30 days). The course does not require breaks. If necessary, continuous use of microdosing for a long (two years or more) period is possible.

Attention! Initially, it is recommended to take 0.16 g of powder to identify possible individual hypersensitivity to the active substances of the fungus. If after taking it for 20-30 minutes you feel nausea and dizziness, we recommend recalculating and adjusting the dosage of microdosing taking into account individual characteristics. In general, increasing the dosage is not recommended.

The absence of a pronounced effect throughout the course most likely means that you are healthy in all respects, and the fly agaric simply "has nothing to work with."

Contraindications, side effects
In the recommended amounts, the red fly agaric does not adversely affect the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular, nervous and other systems (at the same time, studies of the toxicological effect were carried out for much higher doses and did not reveal contraindications for daily use). In some cases, at the beginning of the reception, unpleasant or painful sensations may appear in various internal organs, which last from 2-3 days to two weeks. This is a normal phenomenon due to the harmonizing effect of microdosing; symptoms should be waited until they disappear. Quite often, increased gas formation (flatulence) is observed: this effect indicates the adjustment of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and disappears after no more than three weeks of using microdosing. Not recommended during pregnancy, lactation, children under 16 years of age.

Exceeding the recommended dosage may lead to temporary or permanent drowsiness, a feeling of "expanding the head", a significant excess - to apathy or mild entheogenic effects.
If you have a current medical condition or are taking medication, please consult a healthcare professional or occupational therapist before using this product.

Preparation of fly agaric microdosing and its features

The collection of fruiting bodies of the red fly agaric is carried out during the summer-autumn period manually in ventilated boxes or baskets to prevent decay during transportation, only in rainy weather. Only fully opened uniformly colored red hats without signs of worminess or other damage to the flesh are subject to collection. It is not allowed to collect unopened hats, hats that have external signs of damage to the plates by mold fungi. Orange or yellow hats are not allowed to be collected due to lack of muscarufine. The collected caps are stacked with plates down to avoid their contamination, and also with a height of no more than 12 layers to prevent crushing and juice release, which can lead to depletion of the organic composition. The transportation time does not exceed 12 hours, the temperature during transportation is 5-25°C.

Preparation of fly agaric for microdosing takes place in several stages. Upon delivery from the forest, the hats are cleaned of forest debris with a brush and wiped with a damp sponge. Washing hats is strictly prohibited, as it can lead to washing out of the red pigment muscarufin, which has antibiotic properties! The peeled hats are placed in a low-temperature dryer with a uniform supply of warm air and dried at 35 ° C until the humidity is reduced to 40%. Dried hats are placed in sealed bags and placed in freezers at a temperature of -18/-20 ° C for two days. This is necessary for the disruption of chitinous cell membranes by water crystals growing inside the cells. The active substances of the material with broken cell membranes are absorbed by the human body much easier compared to the material of conventional drying with intact cell walls. Frozen hats are removed from sealed bags, placed in a low-temperature dryer with a uniform supply of warm air, and the final drying is carried out at 80 ° C until completely dry (4-12 hours). Humidity of the finished material - no more than 8%. Dried caps of each batch are subjected to selective laboratory control for the detection of xenobiotics and the level of active substances.

The first stage of processing is to detoxify the caps of the red fly agaric. After being removed from the freezers, the mushrooms are subjected to final drying at 35 °C. Dried red fly agaric caps are placed in a single layer in breathable bags and stored in a dark place at room temperature for 2 months, subjecting them to additional influences, which are part of their own methodology. During this time, ibotenic acid passes into muscimol, and the content of muscimol normalizes. Detoxified caps of the red fly agaric are subjected to short-wave treatment (diathermy) and inductothermy on an ultrasonic treatment apparatus. As a result of processing and heating, the yield of polysaccharide complexes of the fungus increases, which improve metabolism, support the immune system, have anti-inflammatory properties and normalize many physiological processes in the human body. The processed caps are ground in a vertical type cutting mill to the stage of a powder with a particle size of less than 1 mm. The powder is packed in vacuum packages immediately after its production (powder storage for more than 1 hour is not allowed).

The main active substances of the fruiting bodies of the red fly agaric are:
- beta-glucans - immunomodulation, increased specific and nonspecific immunity; antitumor, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and general health (normalizing) effects; general tonic effect;
- fucomannogalactan - anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antioxidant and analgesic effect;
- muscarufin (red pigment of the cap skin) - antibiotic (antibacterial) effect;
- macro- and microelements (K, P, Zn, Se) - increasing the body's immunocompetence, general physiological activity, vitamin biosynthesis;
Muscimol is a psychoactive substance that plays the role of a psychocorrector and nootropic in microdoses.

As a result of taking microdosing of red fly agaric, sleep normalizes in 2-3 weeks (including insomnia disappears). At the same time, the morning capsule works as a stimulant (analogous to coffee), and the evening capsule works as a light sedative (this is ensured by the modulating property of the red fly agaric polysaccharides). Depression disappears, a positive attitude appears, borderline states are leveled. Resistance to bacterial and viral diseases increases (most of the subjects and observed do not get sick throughout the entire period of use), allergic manifestations decrease or disappear. Muscle and joint pains go away. Physical and mental activity increases, working capacity and the ability to process large amounts of information increase. The feeling of constant fatigue disappears, especially among office workers. In most cases, the craving for alcohol and smoking decreases up to the abandonment of these habits. The drug has antip

Pharmacological and medical properties

Fruiting bodies of the red fly agaric that have undergone detoxification are safe for health. Its toxins (ibotenic acid, muscimol) are water soluble and boiling and then draining the decoction will detoxify the fly agaric. An even more effective detoxification tool is high-temperature (over 60°C) drying (which is what we use when preparing the supplement), since drying facilitates the conversion of ibotenic acid to muscimol, which is destroyed naturally during storage with access to oxygen. After this or that method of detoxification, the mushroom becomes edible; the attitude towards it as highly poisonous is due to the phenomenon of cultural bias, as reported by most of the leading modern mycologists.

The fruit bodies of the red fly agaric contain a full range of active ingredients (polysaccharides, glycoproteins, ergosterol, triterpenoids, amino acids, fatty acids and other organic acids, antibiotics, vitamins, minerals and microelements), which provide general physiological, normalizing and protective effects, serve as a nutritional supplement to diet, similar to many other medicinal mushrooms.

Bioactive polysaccharides of the red fly agaric are represented mainly by beta-D-glucans. Beta-glucans are among the most studied mushroom polysaccharides. More than two thousand scientific articles are devoted to the study of their normalizing and therapeutic activity, including those for the red fly agaric. The action of beta-glucans is associated with innate immunity, which is responsible for the ability of the immune system to quickly recognize and respond to the invasion of pathogenic protozoa, viruses, bacteria, fungi, dangerous free radicals, toxins, etc. In the human body, beta-glucans act as powerful modulators biological response by activating the immune system. They play the same important role in immunology as penicillin among antibiotics. In terms of nutrition, beta-glucans dissolve under the influence of enzymes and intestinal microflora in the caecum and work as prebiotics.

Another of the active polysaccharides of the red fly agaric is fucomannogalactan, which has anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antioxidant and analgesic effects.
Fly agaric contains ergosterol, a precursor to vitamin D2. The D vitamins are essential for the creation of new skin cells and for the normal growth of bones, teeth and hair. These vitamins regulate cell metabolism and help, for example, control psoriasis. Vitamin D has been shown to help maximize the beneficial effects of antioxidant therapies and oncology drugs, and help protect against the onset of symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Although human vitamin D3 is significantly more active than mushroom D2, and has a longer effect, vitamin D2 is nevertheless an extremely important and beneficial element for us.

The fruit bodies of the red fly agaric are rich in ballast substances. The dietary fibers contained in them (glucans, heteropolysaccharides, peptoglucans, chitin, etc.) are food components that are not digested by the digestive enzymes of the human body, but are partially or completely processed by beneficial intestinal microflora, except for chitin, which is not processed even by bacteria. In the fruit bodies of the red fly agaric, there are two types of dietary fiber: water-soluble and water-insoluble. Soluble fibers (glucans) play the role of prebiotics. They are easily absorbed by the bacterial flora of the colon and converted into gases and physiologically active by-products. Insoluble dietary fiber is saturated with water along the passage of the gastrointestinal tract and facilitates bowel movements.

The fruit bodies of the red fly agaric contain vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the human body, especially during times of stress.

The use of red fly agaric detoxified according to our method as a dietary supplement in an amount not exceeding 1 g per day is safe and useful in terms of activating the protective properties of the body, normalizing its general physiological processes, tonic effect, as a valuable food supplement, which, among others, active substances contains vitamins, minerals, trace elements and prebiotics, the prevention of bacterial diseases.


On the territory of Eurasia, the red fly agaric has been traditionally used for almost a thousand years as a medicinal, normalizing, tonic and highly nutritious remedy. Infusions and compresses from this fungus help with wound healing, bruises, rheumatism, gastric diseases, diseases of the circulatory and nervous system, gland tumors, tuberculosis and a host of other diseases and painful conditions. Detoxified red fly agaric (double-boiled or high-temperature dried) is a common source of normalizing nutrition in many regions. As far back as Paracelsus in the 16th century recommended red fly agaric as a general tonic, a remedy for diabetes and for the prevention of tuberculosis.

Traditional healers make preparations from red fly agaric for those suffering from spasms of blood vessels, sclerosis of the brain, chronic tonsillitis and such serious diseases as chorea and epilepsy, various forms of cancer and tuberculosis.

Externally, fly agaric is usually used in the form of an ointment or infusion and is used to treat ulcers, abscesses, burns and frostbite, external tumors and cancerous ulcers, skin diseases, including eczema. Also, ointments and infusions help with pain in the muscles, bones, joints, lower back and with the deposition of salts, with many eye diseases. Fly agaric has a very strong wound healing property. In the case of cosmetic use, emphasis is placed on the following main properties of the red fly agaric: wound healing and regenerative ability (with analgesic effect), the fight against skin fungal infections and other skin diseases, as well as the ability to effectively remove cellulite "orange peel".

Industrially produced on the basis of red fly agaric cosmetic creams are used against dermatomycosis, with varicose veins, remove varicose "mesh", are effective for skin diseases; as an anti-cellulite remedy, they relieve the skin of the “orange peel” effect, reduce and heal stretch marks, make the skin smooth and elastic.

For internal use, the population uses tincture of alcohol or vodka, water infusions and decoctions (“fly agaric tea”). The spectrum of indications is huge, for example, painful non-healing animal bites, ulcers, toothache, belching, excessive salivation, heart pain, bad breath, inappropriate behavior, sclerosis, paralysis, gastrointestinal problems, impotence, painful menstruation, sexual arousal and irritation genital organs, the need to normalize immunity, spring beriberi, lack of nutrition of the meat component, etc. Currently, the use of detoxified fly agaric as an additional or main biologically active component of food is widely used by the population in the central and southern regions of the European part of Russia, in the Urals, in Western and Southern Siberia. Such use (for normalizing, medicinal and nutritional purposes) is similar to the traditional food and medicinal use of porcini mushrooms and chanterelles.

What is serious to read on the topic

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Benjamin. D. R. Mushrooms: poisons and panaceas—a handbook for naturalists, mycologists and physicians. New York: W.H. Freeman & Company, 1995.
Biziulevicius G.A., Vaitkuviene A. Taking advantage of the experience in ethnomedicinal use of mushrooms: Anti-inflammatory and related pharmacological activities of fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) ethanolic extract deserve a modern evaluation. medical hypotheses. 2007; 69:946-966.
Biziulevicius G.A. Mushroom decoctions, a waste product of food processing, may be a potentially valuable source of immunostimulatory and anticancer substances. Med Hypotheses. 2007; 69:693-694.
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Isao Yoshida, Tadashi Kiho. Polysaccharides in Fungi. XXXVII. Immunomodulating Activities of Carboxymethylated Derivatives of Linear (l->3)-a-D-Glucans Extracted from the Fruiting Bodies of Agrocybe cylindracea and Amanita muscaria. Biol. Pharm. Bull. 1996; 19(1):114-121.
Isokauppila T. Healing Mushrooms. A practical and culinary guide to using mushrooms for whole body health. Penguin Random House, 2017.
Lindequist U. et al. The Pharmacological Potential of Mushrooms. eCAM 2005; 2(3):285-299.
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Shaw H. How to Safely Eat Amanita Muscaria. honest-food.net, 2011-12-24.
Tadashi Kiho, Masanobu Haga. Structure and antitumor activity of a branched (1-3)-beta-D-glucan from the alkaline extract of Amanita muscaria. Carbohydrate Research. 1992; 224:237-243.
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Vishnevsky M.V. Poisonous mushrooms of Russia. Moscow: Prospect, 2017.
Musselius S. G., Ryk A. A. Mushroom poisoning. Moscow: Miklosh, 2002.
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